The EANET has been developing “Strategy Papers” as the scientific guidance for dry deposition monitoring and ecological impact monitoring, which described future directions for methodologies on monitoring and data analysis and related research activities. The updated versions were adopted at the 20th Session of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC20) in September 2020. The full versions of the respective Strategy Papers can be downloaded from the EANET website.
Outlines are as follows:
Strategy Paper on Future Direction of Monitoring for Dry Deposition of the EANET (2021-2025)
It includes the objectives of dry deposition monitoring in EANET for the coming five years (2021-2025) and the activities to achieve the objectives. The major items are as follows.
- Revise the technical manuals and review monitoring methods to provide more elaborated atmospheric monitoring and atmospheric deposition data including dry deposition flux. These data will contribute to the assessment of the adverse effects on soil, vegetation, inland aquatic systems and human health.
- In order to conduct regional assessment of atmospheric environment in East Asia, the number of atmospheric monitoring sites will be expanded, and analysis of dry deposition and atmospheric composition will be enhanced by combining with atmospheric numerical models.
- In order to enhance the reliability of monitoring data, the quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) of atmospheric composition monitoring will be strengthened by reviewing the Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) and methods for checking the monitoring accuracy, etc.
Paper (Move to EANET Web site)
Strategy Paper for Future Direction of EANET on Monitoring of Effects on Agricultural Crops, Forest and Inland Water by Acidifying Species and Related Chemical Substances
As specific activities to be implemented for the coming five years (2021-2025), three activities, namely, i) Accumulation of information on air pollution effects in forest area and agricultural field, ii) Promotion of catchment analysis, and iii) Promotion of regional impact assessment, were selected. Moreover, to implement the activities effectively, the following subjects were clarified:
- Recovery of ecosystems from acidification
- Loads of atmospheric nitrogen to ecosystems and its cycle
- Effects of ozone and PM on trees/crops
It was also suggested that the interactions between air pollution and climate change be taken into consideration for the subjects above.
Paper (Move to EANET Web site)