Asia Center for Air Pollution Research (ACAP) appointed Dr. Toshimasa Ohara as the Director General of ACAP on April 1, 2024. After Dr. Ohara received a Ph.D. in 1982 in engineering from Hokkaido University, he has worked at the Institute of Behavioral Science, Shizuoka University, and the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES). He has served as a research director at the Center for Environmental Science in Saitama (CESS), and a president of the Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment. His research fields are emission inventory development and chemical transport modeling of air pollutants at the urban and regional scales in Japan and East Asia. His group has developed a regional emission inventory in Asia, REAS, which is used in the world as a comprehensive emission dataset for air pollutants in Asia. Currently, he is a chairperson of the Air, Noise and Vibration Committee of the Central Environment Council of the Ministry of the Environment, Japan, and contributes to the linkage of science and policy in the field of atmospheric environment in Japan. He was also a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of EANET since 2012.

Comments from Dr. Ohara
Air pollution in East Asia remains a significant environmental issue. Moreover, air pollution and acid deposition are closely related to climate change, ecosystem conservation, nitrogen cycle, and other matters. ACAP, as the Network Center for the EANET and National Center of Japan, aims to leverage its research capabilities in the field of atmospheric environment, maintain strong connections with society, and collaborate with relevant agencies to advance research and development.
Toshimasa Ohara
Director General, Asia Center of Air Pollution Research
More details on ACAP research staff.