一般財団法人 日本環境衛生センター


Asia Center for Air Pollution Research (ACAP)

2019年度 学会発表


大気沈着 (Atmospheric deposition)

M. Huo, F. Chen, K. Yamashita, Spatial-temporal Variation and Health Risk Assessment of PM2.5 Pollution in Beijing Region, China, 15th International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

長距離輸送とモデリング (Long-range transport and modeling)

生態影響 (Ecological impact)

H. Sase, W. Carandang, N. Yamashita, E. Philip, J. Shindo, T. Saito, M. Morohashi, M. Takahashi, M. Takahashi, T. Ohizumi, "EANET ecological monitoring in a changing atmospheric environment in Asia", Workshop on regional impact assessment of atmospheric deposition and air pollution on forest ecosystems Abstract Book, O-5 (2019)
M. N. A. B. Mohd Isa, R. K. J. Heng, N. M. A. Majid, H. Sase, O. H. Ahmed, "Concentration and pattern of Ozone (O3), Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Epicuticular wax & Elemental carbon between 2015-2017 in Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia", Workshop on regional impact assessment of atmospheric deposition and air pollution on forest ecosystems Abstract Book, P-1 (2019)
M. Takahashi, T. Ohizumi, H. Sase, "Development of the analytical method for sulfur isotope ratio of SO2 gas and survey", Workshop on regional impact assessment of atmospheric deposition and air pollution on forest ecosystems Abstract Book, P-7 (2019)
E. S. Zhigacheva, S. A. Gromov, H. Sase, M. Takahashi, T. Ohizumi, "Estimation of sulfur and nitrogen budget on the small river catchment at Russian EANET Primorskaya station", Workshop on regional impact assessment of atmospheric deposition and air pollution on forest ecosystems Abstract Book, P-10 (2019)
Yamashita N , Sase H , Kurokawa J , Morino Y , Kuribayashi M , Ohara T. "Regional impact assessment on acidification/N saturation in the East Asia: a critical loads approach", Workshop on regional impact assessment of atmospheric deposition and air pollution on forest ecosystems Abstract Book, O-7 (2019)
R. Urakawa, "Estimation of atmospheric deposition load and its effects on nutrient dynamics in forest ecosystems using Sr and Pb isotopes in soil", Workshop on regional impact assessment of atmospheric deposition and air pollution on forest ecosystems Abstract Book, O-8 (2019)
H. Sase, W. Carandang, N. Yamashita, E. Philip, J. Shindo, T. Saito, M. Morohashi, M. Takahashi, M. Takahashi, T. Ohizumi, "EANET monitoring in forest area under changing atmospheric environments", XXV IUFRO World Congress Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development, p. 206-207 (2019)
H. Sase, N. Yamashita, T. Saito, B. Kietvuttinon, H. Garivait, M. Morohashi, M. Takahashi, Y. Inomata, M. Nakata, K. Matsuda, T. Ohizumi, "Dynamics of sulfur in forest ecosystems under changing atmospheric environment in Japan and Thailand", XXV IUFRO World Congress Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development, p.251 (2019)

精度保証・精度管理 (Quality assurance/quality control)

その他 (Others)

M. Zhu, K. Yamashita, M. Ao, “The Efficiency of Environmental Expenditure of Local governments on Air Pollution Improvement in China”. 2019 18th Word Clean Air Congress (WCAC2019), Istanbul, Turkey, September 23-27, 2019
K. Yamashita, M. Zhu, M. Ao, S. Ohno, “Analysis of Monitoring Data of EANET and Policy Implications for Atmospheric Environment Management in East Asia”. 2019 18th Word Clean Air Congress (WCAC2019), Istanbul, Turkey, September 23-27, 2019
J. Kurokawa, K. Yumimoto, S. Itahashi, T. Maki, T. Nagashima, T. Ohara, Development of a historical emission inventory in Asia and its evaluation using inverse modeling with satellite observation, CEOS Atmospheric Composition Virtual Constellation AC-VC-15, Tokyo, Japan (2019)
J. Kurokawa, K. Yumimoto, S. Itahashi, T. Nagahsima, T. Ohara, Long-term trends of anthropogenic emissions of air pollutants in Asia, Workshop on regional impact assessment of atmospheric deposition and air pollution on forest ecosystems, Niigata, Japan (2019)