一般財団法人 日本環境衛生センター


Asia Center for Air Pollution Research (ACAP)

2019年度 誌上発表


大気沈着 (Atmospheric deposition)

Y. Inomata, T. Ohizumi, T. Saito, M. Morohashi, N. Yamashita, M. Takahashi, H. Sase, K. Takahashi, N. Kaneyasu, M. Fujihara, A. Iwasaki, K. Nakagomi, T. Shiroma, T. Yamaguchi. Estimating transboundary transported anthropogenic sulfate deposition in Japan using the sulfur isotopic ratio, Science of Total Environment, 691: 779-788 (2019)

長距離輸送とモデリング (Long-range transport and modeling)

J. Li, T. Nagashima, L. Kong, B. Ge, K. Yamaji, J. S. Fu, X. Wang, Q. Fan, S. Itahashi, H.-J. Lee, C.-H. Kim, C.-Y. Lin, M. Zhang, Z. Tao, M. Kajino, H. Liao, M. Li, J.-H. Woo, J. Kurokawa, Z. Wang, Q. Wu, H. Akimoto, G. R. Carmichael, Z. Wang, Model evaluation and intercomparison of surface-level ozone and relevant species in East Asia in the context of MICS-Asia Phase III – Part 1: Overview, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19: 12993-13015 (2019)
L. Chen, Y. Gao, M. Zhang, J. S. Fu, J. Zhu, H. Liao, J. Li, K. Huang, B. Ge, X. Wang, Y. F. Lam, C.-Y. Lin, S. Itahashi, T. Nagashima, M. Kajino, K. Yamaji, Z. Wang, J. Kurokawa, MICS-Asia III: multi-model comparison and evaluation of aerosol over East Asia, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19: 11911-11937 (2019)
S. Itahashi, B. Ge, K. Sato, J.S. Fu, X. Wang, K. Yamaji, T. Nagashima, J. Li, M. Kajino, H. Liao, M. Zhang, Z. Wang, M. Li, J. Kurokawa, G.R. Carmichael1, Z. Wang, MICS-Asia III: overview of model intercomparison and evaluation of acid deposition over Asia, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 2667-2693 (2020)

生態影響 (Ecological impact)

精度保証・精度管理 (Quality assurance/quality control)

その他 (Others)

R. Wada, Y. Sadanaga, S. Kato, N. Katsumi, H. Okochi, Y. Iwamoto, K. Miura, H. Kobayashi, M. Kamogawa, J. Matsumoto, S. Yonemura, Y. Matsumi, M. Kajino, S. Hatakeyama, Ground-based observation of lightning-induced nitrogen oxides at a mountaintop in free troposphere, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 76: 133-150 (2019)
K. Miura, K. Shimada, T. Sugiyama, K. Sato, A. Takami, C. K. Chan, I. S. Kim, Y. P. Kim, N.-H. Lin, S. Hatakeyama, Seasonal and annual changes in PAH concentrations in a remote site in the Pacific Ocean, Scientific Reports, 9: 12591 (2019)
S.-H. Wang, R.-Y. Hung, N.-H. Lin, Á. G.-Losada, J. C.M. Pires, K. Shimada, S. Hatakeyama, A. Takami, Estimation of background PM2.5 concentrations for an air-polluted environment, Atmospheric Research, 231: 104636 (2019)
S. Itahashi, K. Yumimoto, J. Kurokawa, Y. Morino, T. .Nagashima, K. Miyazaki, T. Maki, T. Ohara, Inverse estimation of NOx emissions over China and India 2005–2016: contrasting recent trends and future perspectives, Environmental Research Letters , 14: 124020 (2019)
高橋司,武直子,大泉毅諸橋将雪高橋雅昭佐瀨裕之,2016‒2017年に新潟市で観測されたPM2.5の有機マーカー成分を用いた発生源推定,大気環境学会誌,55,60-77 (2020)
D. Narita, N.T.K. Oanh, K. Sato, M. Huo, D.A. Permadi, N.N.H. Chi, T. Ratanajaratroj, I. Pawarmart, Pollution Characteristics and Policy Actions on Fine Particulate Matter in a Growing Asian Economy: The Case of Bangkok Metropolitan Region, Atmosphere, 10, 227 (2020)